They uncovered a demonic plot to slay the king using their Spectral Vision and other skills. The Demon Hunters arrived to literally save the day. Long of the short of it is that Stormwind was plunged into chaos. Voices whispered dark things to you pitting neighbor against neighbor, and in some cases those neighbors would become possessed. Paranoia was rampant with demons mascaraing as common citizens. At the time of the Demon Hunter’s arrival Stormwind was essentially under siege by the Legion. I agree with this, and would like to add another perspective. Had a Demon Hunter been sent to Darnassus, or even Silvermoon, rather than Stormwind or Orgrimmar, he might’ve got a reception similar to that of a new Death Knight. Meanwhile, the Illidari’s sins were largely confined to the Kaldorei and those on Outland.

Lordaeron and Quel’thelas were catastrophic losses of life that still resonate to this day, so to see an agent of the Scourge walking through the city is a horrific sight to behold for someone like that. The current classes/specs for which it seems less likely to be an upgrade are "Versatility Specs," such as rogues (of all specs), survival hunters, possibly tanks interested in survivability, etc.I think part of why the Demon Hunters got a more tame reaction in Stormwind and Orgrimmar is because the atrocities of the Scourge are more vivid amongst the commonfolk’s memory. You will have to do the math for your chosen class to be certain, but for most classes and specs for which I've done the math, this ring is an upgrade when compared with an equal ilvl pre-Legion ring. 421 is a big difference, and perhaps it's meant to be in order to make up for the loss of the valuable primary stat. But don't toss this ring just yet.Ħ18 vs. Given that most classes value their attuned primary stat more than any other secondary stat on a 1:1 basis, it's natural to be hesitant about going with this ring. The difference of course being that the old rings had a primary stat on them, whereas the new rings have only secondary stats. A comparable ilvl 700 ring from pre-Legion (say, from PvP vendors) has only 421 stat points. Comment by UkeRocketIt is interesting to note that the ilvl 700 version of this ring has 618 (non-stamina) stat points on it.