Located in East Empire Company Warehouse Shadowfoot Sanctum … It is found in the large room with the Arcane Enchanter, just before moving on to the balcony. East from Balmora and up the hill on the north side of Fort Moonmoth, a bridge spans the Foyada Mamaea. Dwemer Exploding Shock Bolt Schematic DG (xx 00f1c5) 0: 100: Quest: Ancient Technology DG. After speaking with Enthir, you'll be directed to the wizard, Calcelmo, at Understone Keep in Markarth. Antabolis can be found in the training room on the lower floor of the Balmora Fighters Guild in the center of town. Explore nick Imber's board "Elder Scrolls- Dwemer" on Pinterest. But it got me thinking how hard this game would have been back at release when internet help wasn't just a click away.

First go speak with Enthir at The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold. All you have to do is obtain a Dwemer puzzle box from a local ruin: Arkngthand. He also said the inscriptions on the box seem to be the directions for setting a Dwemer key to open a specific lock. Further along are two tables shoved together into one L-shaped table, and to the south is the Dwemer Puzzle Cube. (Optional) Speak with Hasphat again to get the. See more ideas about elder scrolls dwemer, elder scrolls, elder scrolls art. Above those doors is a ledge, accessible by a ramp made of rocks. One cell, accessed from a hallway near the bottom of the rocky spiral staircase in the Hall of Centrifuge, contains the acrobatics skill book A Dance in Fire, Chapter 4. The Dwemer Puzzle Box cannot be retrieved prior to being sent to the ruin by Hasphat the puzzle box's infobox will simply flicker if you attempt to do so. Icon Item Description Value Type Daedric Candlestick: This candlestick, decorated with dancing scamps and banekin frolicking in a Daedric circle, might be a novelty-or cult fetish. It is found in Calcelmo's Laboratory and the only application it has is that it can be sold to Delvin Mallory for gold. In Markarth's Understone Keep, through the Dwemer Museum, in the last room of Calcelmo's laboratory.

I've completed the thieves guild and I went back to retrieve any trophies I missed while I was doing missions and the cube is the last one I got.

Now I'll take it to him, and in return, he'll tell me what I need to know about the Nerevarine secret cult and the Sixth House secret cult.